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Environment – Energy – Travels

Guaso Mill

Mini Hydraulic Energy

Guaso Mill. Aínsa, Huesca (Spain)   The Mini Hydraulic Energy is the forgotten Renewable Energy in Spain. It wasn’t developed like the others as only a few licences were granted and had less subsidies. Those entrepreneurs who started their projects some years ago, found countless technical and administrative troubles. However, its potential is there. It…

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Bike ways in Bogotá are an alternative of trnasport for many people.

The Mobility in the Cities. Bogotá

Many cities have urgent problems of mobility and pollution, even more during the rush hours. We see more bicycles, skates and light electric vehicles which ease the transportation for many people, using the bike lanes, narrow bike paths and even sidewalks disturbing pedestrians. No doubt, the use of those clean friendly means should be promoted…

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Bioclimatic House

A good example of a bioclimatic house in Villa de Leyva, Colombia. Traditional architecture made in stone, wood and bahareque What is bioclimatic architecture? It is called to those buildings which use the natural advantages of their environment and surroundings to obtain comfort and energy savings. It is achieved through an optimal ventilation, natural lighting,…

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Bicicleta con motor

Gas Engine Bicycles

We can see them frequently at the cycling routes in Bogotá. Bicycles with with gas engines can be seen every day at the cycling routes of Bogotá. Most of them are riders moving lunches and other stuff to homes. They carry big bags at their backs and probably work many hours each day. Cycling routes…

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Train of the Sabana Railways in Bogotá

Bogota Metro

Shall we see it soon? Bogota has no Metro. The City urgently needs to improve its transport infrastructures not to collapse its nearly 10 Million citizens even more being the capital of a 48 million people country. The Metro project was approved in 2016 (the agreement for the construction of the First Lines of the…

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Central Térmica de Carboneras, Almería, España

Coal Fired Power Plants

Coal fired power plants are still the main source of power generation in the world. More than 38% of the electricity produced is obtained by burning coal, as informed by the International Energy Agency. The first coal fired power stations run by a steam turbine were built at the beginning of the XXth Century. Therefore,…

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Bicycle lane at Puerta de Alcalá in Madrid

Riding on bicycle. Madrid

I ride on bicycle in Madrid and so I can say it is a hostile City for cycling. The drivers are hostile, pedestrians and even the same cyclists are hostile. The configuration of its streets and lanes is hostile for cyclists. The terrible noise and contamination make it worse. However, I enjoy cycling through its…

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Paneles solares en la fachada de un supermercado en Austria

Solar. Now?

Is it time to develop the solar energy as the main source of electricity generation? Many experts think it is time now. Latest solar cells have reduced significantly its production cost and increased its electric yield to a level below the average price of electricity and below the electricity cost generated by other traditional sources,…

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Areas of Experience

  • International Trading.

  • Strategic Analysis of Coal Supplies.

  • Chartering Dry Bulk Cargoes.

  • Port Logistics and Land Transportation.

  • Strategies for the Long Term Sustainable Business.