Showing 1–16 of 24 results

Beach Tarifa 01


5184 x 2474 px

Stormy day at the Gibraltar Strait. Eastern strong gust winds, rain and fun for expert windsurfers in Tarifa.

Beach Tarifa 02


5183 x 2571 px

Valdevaqueros beach in Tarifa. Favourite place for kitesurfers and windsurfers. Strong winds are frequent at the Strait of Gibraltar and the good conditions of that beach made them attractive for those sports fans.

Beach Tarifa 04


5184 x 2169 px

Jumping the waves with a windsurf board in Tarifa. Eastern strong sustained winds allow this windsurfer to jump over the waves with his board.

Beach Tarifa 05


5184 x 2824 px

Wind force is measured in a scale from 0 to 12, as per its speed and sea condition. It is the Beaufort wind force scale, used by sea men and meteorologists.

Beach Tarifa 06


4935 x 2199 px

Eastern wind force 8 and 9 in Tarifa. Sustained winds over 70 km/hour are funny for the most experinced windsurfers.

Beach Tarifa 07


5184 x 2881 px

The Eastern strong winds drag the beach sand towards the Valdevaqueros Dune in Tarifa, Cádiz. A windsurfer leaves pushed by the crosswind from the East.

Beach Tarifa 08


5072 x 935 px

Veteran windsurfers in Tarifa sailing with strong winds with gusts over 80 km / hour. Eastern strong winds at the Strait of Gibraltar.

Beach Tarifa 09


5145 x 2195 px

Winsurfers sailing in Tarifa beach. Emblematic site for windsurfers since the 80’s. They can enjoy strong sustained winds from East or West parallel to the coast line.

Beach Tarifa 10


5184 x 1615 px

Strong Eastern winds at the Strait of Gibraltar. Funny day for the most experience surfers at Tarifa beach.

Beach Tarifa 11


5184 x 1742 px

Bolonia beach near Tarifa. There is an arqueological Roman site called Baelo Claudia. It was a prosperous city and port from the II Century b.C. to V Century a.C. at the Strait of Gibraltar.

Beach Tarifa 12


5002 x 2540 px

Valdevaqueros dune in Tarifa, the Southest point of the Iberia Penninsula. Dune formed by the dominant Eastern winds.

Energy Wind 40


5184 x 2454 px

The wind mills of the wind farm near Tarifa are part of its landscape. We associate Tarifa with the wind and energy.

Energy Wind 42


5179 x 3184 px

Wind farm in Tarifa área. The first wind mills in Spain were installed in that area like more than 30 years ago due to the good wind conditions of the strait of Gibraltar.

Energy Wind 44


5184 x 2939 px

Wind farms around Tarifa. Wind is always present, a clean source of energy at the Strait of Gibraltar.

Energy Wind 45


5102 x 2529 px

More than 100 wind mills at Tahivilla, Cádiz. Turbines at 30 m height, blades of 30 m diameter and 300 kW power.

Energy Wind 48


5098 X 2250 px

Wind farm at Tahivilla, Cádiz. Located between Tarifa and Zahara de los Atunes. Wind mills working at full capacity in stormy weather.