Showing all 8 results

Energy Wind 18


5183 x 1773 px

Rotors of 90 m diameter at a height of more than 80 m an a power of 2.500 kiloWatts. Wind farm near Medinaceli, in Soria province.

Energy Wind 56


5137 x 1433 px

Natural Park of the Gibraltar Strait. View of a wind mill from the road N-340.

Energy Wind 59


5093 x 2956 px

The wind should blow at more than 12 km/h to start a wind mill. It reaches its optimal power at a wind speed of about 40 km/h and should stop at speeds higher than 90 km/h.

Energy Wind 60


4941 x 2889 px


A wind mill with a power of 2000 KW higher than 120m has a rotor diameter longer than 90m diameter. Each blade is longer than 40m.

In a windy day, the noise impress when you are close to them.

Energy Wind 67


5048 x 2850 px

Wind energy is the renewable more developed in Spain. The target in the Eropean Union is to reach 20% of wind generation by 2020.

Energy Wind 68


5080 x 2698 px

More than 1000 wind farms in Spain being the fifth country in the world of of wind energy generations, after China, USA, Germany and UK.

Energy Wind 69


5184 x 2751 px

Wind farm in Bolonia. Spain counts with more than 23.000 MW of wind installed power in about 1000 farms spread around the Iberia Penninsula.

Energy Wind 70


4115 x 2970 px

Wind farm near Tarifa where there is the biggest concentration of wind farms in Spain. The wind energy represents more than 18% of the total energy consumption in Spain being the second largest source of energy.