Showing 1–16 of 24 results

Energy Wind 01


5184 x 1845 px

Aldeavieja wind farm, in Ávila province. Wind mills at the alto de la Cruz de Hierro. Great view of the Castellana plateau and the wind farms in the area.

Energy Wind 02


3456 x 5184 px

Wind farm Altos del Voltoya in Aldeavieja, Ávila. Gamesa G47 turbines, of 47 m diameter, 45 m height and a power of 660 kW.

Energy Wind 03


5165 x 1078 px

Cruz de Hierro highs at about 1400 m altitude. Altos del Voltoya wind farm with the view of the snowy mountains of Gredos at the back.

Energy Wind 04


5057 x 1225 px

Clear skies  and soft winds at el Alto de la Cruz de Hierro. Wind mills need winds at a speed faster than 4 m/s to be able to generate energy.

Energy Wind 10


4548 x 1302 px

Wind farm Altos de Voltoya near the village of Aldeavieja, in Ávila. It is located at more than 1400 m of altitude, with more than 22 wind turbines.

Energy Wind 11


5000 x 1442 px

Offshore wind farms near Liverpool, off Formby beaches and dunes. Those wind farms produce more energy as they have more sustained winds, without any geogrphical obstacles.

Energy Wind 20


5184 x 2376 px

Gamesa wind turbines in Maranchón, Guadalajara. They have a power of 2.000 kW and a rotor diameter of 87 m. In operation from 2006.

Energy Wind 21


5184 x 1447 px

We can see big wind farms on the road N-211 from Alcolea del Pinar to Molina de Aragón. Towers of more than 80 m height and rotors with a diameter of about 90m.

Energy Wind 25


5079 x 992 px

Plateau landscape with wind mills and high voltage towers. Wind farms are usually located in isolated places which require an energy transport to long distances.

Energy Wind 27


5134 x 2602 px

Wind mill blades can suffer damage by the impact of rays and brids. They are repaired by elevated platforms or specialty workers suspended in safety ropes.

Energy Wind 28


4799 x 2142 px

Wind mill blades are built in different sizes, from 40 to more than 100 m, in the biggest ones. They are made of polyester and fiber glass.

Energy Wind 29


5184 x 3456 px

There are windy days when the wind can generate more than 50% of the total energy demand. It is the renewable with more installed power.

Energy Wind 31


4425 x 2466 px

The wind mills orient themselves automativally to use the maximum wind energy.  The nacelle where the rotor, gearbox and the generator are located, can turn at the top of the tower.

Energy Wind 34


5108 x 1532 px

Wind energy has reduced its cost of electricity generation by more than 40% from 2009. Spain will surpass the European target to reach 20% of that energy source by 2020.

Energy Wind 40


5184 x 2454 px

The wind mills of the wind farm near Tarifa are part of its landscape. We associate Tarifa with the wind and energy.

Energy Wind 41


5184 x 3206 px

Eastern wind at the Strait of Gibraltar. Energy wind can be used to generate electricity at a wind speed from 4 m/s to about 25m/s when the wind mills are disconected to avoid over tensions and failures.